The Women of Lockerbie – Information for Cast, Crew, and Parents

Welcome to all of the cast, crew, and families as we begin the journey from cast list to opening night for The Women of Lockerbie! The cast and crew have already begun the process of rehearsals and construction of the set. The meeting for parents is scheduled for Monday, March 4 at 6:30pm in the rehearsal space. All parents should attend this very important meeting.

The Parent Welcome Letter welcomes parents of cast and crew members to the production. The letter doesn’t contain enough detail regarding the participation fees for the show. Cast members must pay a fee of $70 while crew members pay a fee of $30. These fees cover the cost of the show t-shirts, the meals that are provided during the busy final week of the production, and other incidentals such as costume parts. The fees must be paid by March 14th. A form is available to request a Fee Reduction or Payment Plan for those who need it. You can pay the participation fees online using your credit card on the Cast Participation Fee Payments page or Crew Participation Fee Payments page.

There is a huge amount of work that goes into making a production successful. The students do a lot of it, but they cannot do it alone. We need parent volunteers! In fact every student is required to get three hours of parent volunteer time logged before the production is finished. This year we are trying something different and using a Sign-up Genius form to make it easy for people to signup for the various department committees such as costumes, props, meals, etc.  You can sign up at the parents meeting, and that information will be transferred to the Sign-up Genius.  The link to the Sign-up Genius will be distributed via e-mail as well for those who cannot attend.

All cast members are expected to sell ads totaling at least $20. Other participants are encouraged to do the same. We need advertising support because the Lincoln Theatre Department is self funded. So sell as much as possible!

There are two types of ads: business ads and shout-outs. Business ads are purchased by local businesses and entitle them to ad space in the program for the show. They also get to brag about supporting an outstanding group of students, staff, and parents who make Lincoln Theatre happen. Use The Women of Lockerbie Sponsorship Form to sell business ads. Business ads can be paid for with a credit card online, but you still have to submit the paper form to make sure all the necessary information and artwork are available. To pay for a business ad online click this link.

Shout-outs are small personal messages that family, friends, and fellow cast and crew members purchase. The purchaser writes an encouraging message that appears in the show program. Use The Women of Lockerbie Shout-out Form to sell shout-outs. Shout-outs can also be paid online, but the paper form is still required. To pay for a shout-out online click this link.

The minimum ad amount can be made up of any combination of the two ad types. If you don’t have any connections to local businesses, then ask your family and friends for support through shout-outs. The Selling Ads Letter contains more information about the process of selling ads for the show.

All ads must be submitted by April 23rd.

Thanks to the cast, the crew, and their families for everything you do to make Lincoln Theatre great.